African drumming

QM Studios has been fortunate enough to be involved in a rehabilitation project supporting local man, John O’Riordan. John underwent heart surgery after he suffered a stroke in 2017. After a long spell in hospital, John, who’s mobility was seriously impeded, was looking for ways to rehabilitate himself physically.
John hooked up with Adam at QM Studios, who is a percussionist, and music leader. They started regular sessions exploring how African drumming could be beneficial to John’s condition. John embraced the idea and soon grasped the basic techniques, and patterns. The sessions carried on for many months as John gradually learnt new phrases and rhythms. His co-ordination and movement gently improved and John began to enjoy learning the Djembe.
When John joined us here at the studio to do some recording, he voiced his appreciation towards Adam for all the support he has received. John expressed how much he has enjoyed the sessions and feels it has made a huge difference in his life.
John has been recently focusing on an ambitious project with Adam, recording his drumming in a professional recording environment here at the studio. He also overdubbed his voice as a narrative of Aesop’s fables to compliment his drumming. The finished recording will be gifted to his niece as a present.
Pat, one of our volunteers spent some time mixing and we are pleased to say the track is now finished and sounds fantastic.
You can check out the track (available on desktop site) below: